
Thank You for Your Kindness


My inspiration for this thank you card design came from all of the people who have helped me during very difficult times in my life.  Sometimes my daily adventures take a bit of a wild, extreme turn.  Often this results in very exiting and fun times.  Then there are the times when they disintegrate into less than desirable situations.  No matter how bad my situation, there has always been a least one person who has helped me.

These people are family, friends and, many times, complete strangers.  When I reflect back on those moments in my life, I don’t think of the trauma or horror but of these people.  People who were kind enough to take time out of their day to save me from mine.  People who held my hand, distracted me with simple conversation, were kind, rescued me, spent hours and days by my hospital bed side.  I will never forget these people.  To all of those who have helped me, Thank You.  Thank you for your kindness.  It touched my heart and fed my soul.
